Why is Tooth Pain Defined as One of the Worst Physical Pains?

Toothaches are one of the worst forms of physical pain, and it’s gripped a sizeable portion of the population in dentophobia. There can be various causes for tooth pain, from tooth decay to gum infections.

You must consult a dentist immediately because failure to treat tooth decay leads to a dental abscess.

Tooth pain can be in the form of a burning sensation that starts from the nerve ends in the gum, and spreads outward. It can also come and go in waves and gets worse when you talk, eat, or sleep. The pain is localized, but the effects can disable the jaw functions.

Here are some of the most common types of tooth pain.

Severe Throbbing Pain

This is the symptom people complain about the most. A throbbing pain in your molars or front teeth can be a major distraction on a workday. You can only work as long as strong painkillers numb the pain, but you'll need to take another dose soon enough.

If it's because of infected gums, you might need an extraction or root canal treatment. Since bacteria infects the pulp inside your gums, it'll cause tissue damage and further distress. It'll make chewing impossible and make your gums bleed often.

Dull Pain

This is the initial stage of nerve damage within your gums. If you're experiencing symptoms such as sensitivity and lingering pain that arise unexpectedly, it's because of nerve damage. The intensity of pain worsens during night hours and will only be relieved when you take painkillers.

However, overdosing on pain relief medicines has its side-effects. That’s where our 100% organic, non-synthetic pain relief remedies come into play. We focus on natural ingredients to make topical ointments and supplements to help manage pain.

Irregular Tooth Pain

Intermittent tooth pain may seem better than constant intense pain, but it can be terrifying to expect the next wave of pain. Some triggers stimulate the pain. The pain originates in the cavities, cracks in the teeth, or swelling in the gums and requires immediate medical attention. But if you’re not sure what’s causing the pain, don’t take medicines without the doctor’s prescription.

Meanwhile, you can try our pain relief supplements to make your pain more manageable.

The mineral supplements we make don't promise full recovery, but they can help manage pain effectively. With these products, you’ll at least be able to wait for your dental appointment in a better state.

Check out our CBD pain-relieving lotion for topical application and anti-inflammatory medicines. Contact us for more queries.