How to Nip Persistent Sleep Problems in the Bud

Common causes of insomnia include anxiety, stress, excessive smoking or drinking, watching too much television, or using the phone before going to bed. These are all factors that trick our bodies to stay active rather than falling asleep.


Here’s how you can overcome these sleep problems and enjoy quality sleep.

1.    Organize Your Sleep Cycle

The first step towards a good night's sleep is to keep a check of your sleep cycle. Make it a point to wake up and sleep early every day; this will allow your body to get in the habit of getting adequate rest and will also help organize your sleep cycle.

2.    Exercise during The Day

Exercise has two effects on the body: first, it invigorates, and then it fades. Soon after any physical activity, the body is in a refreshed mode and thus keeps you alert throughout the day. Later, the body gets weary and needs rest to recover, which ultimately improves your sleep cycle.

If your sleeping problems are severe, try high-intensity workouts; they're challenging and are bound to make you fall asleep at night!

3.    Avoid Taking Naps

Taking short power naps may seem like a healthy solution to catch up on missed sleep. However, these naps can do more harm than good!

Taking naps during the day reduces your body's weariness, allowing it to stay active till late hours of the night. The longer you wait out your sleep, the more peaceful sleep you'll receive.

4.    Eliminate All Stimulants

High doses of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine act as stimulants for the body, causing it to stay active and awake. So, the next time you think your coffee, wine, or cigarette is helping you through something, think again!

5.    Limit Screen Time before Bed

While limiting your screen time during the day can help improve your sleep's longevity, limiting screen time right before bed can improve its quality. Hence, experts recommend planning a digital curfew to reduce the strain on the eyes, body, and mind.

6.    Practice Meditation

Studies have shown that even a brief session of meditation during the day helps alleviate insomnia.

Mindful meditation reduces cortisol, the hormone associated with stress, and improves melatonin production, which provides the body with insomnia relief.

7.    Create An Inviting Environment

Your bed shouldn't be a desk, a dining table, and a work station all in one; make sure to only use it for sleeping.

Create a comfortable and inviting ambiance in your room. Everything from lighting to comfort to scent matters! Take control of your room and try out different things that put you at peace.

Try lighting a scented candle for both a cozy ambiance and some aromatherapy.

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If you're tired of sleepless nights and require a non-habit forming sleeping aid, search no more! Get your hands on our Sweeter Dreams gummies and enjoy a peaceful slumber you so desperately need. We also offer anti-inflammatory medications, vitamin-D and E supplements, mineral oils, relieving lotions, and much more!

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