4 Causes of UTI

A UTI is one of the most painful infections in the bladder, known as cystitis, that affects the lower part of the urinary tract. Some common symptoms of a UTI include pain during urination called dysuria, high fever, increased urination, urinating blood, or the sense of incomplete voiding.

While dehydration is a common cause of this infection, it’s often contracted in a hospital. 75% of hospitalized patients catch the disease from a urinary catheter attached to the urethra to drain urine while they're bed-ridden. They're ranked among one of the most reported forms of infection, according to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).

There can be various causes for a UTI.

Vesicoureteral Reflux

This term refers to the backward flow of the urine into the kidneys and ureters. The normal flow of urine should be from the latter to the bladder when the ureteral bladder valve shuts to prevent backward flow.

Vesicoureteral reflux happens to children as well, 50% of which are asymptomatic. This is a serious health hazard since it can delay medical treatment and aggravate kidney infection. It's crucial to include Tal’s D Mannose Plus in your routine to support a healthy urinary tract.


As mentioned, catheterization happens in hospitals to patients who cannot urinate during post-op recovery. A catheter is a tube inserted into the urethra to drain urine without exerting pressure that collects in the urine bag.

This can facilitate patients who have a malfunctioning bladder, recently had surgery, or are under observation for urine production. UTI can happen during this time when the patient experiences suprapubic discomfort, vomiting, fever, chills, and a strong urine odor. 

Kidney Stones

When mass solidifies into stones and obstructs the urinary tract, it leads to UTIs. Those obstructions are called kidney stones. The only way for kidney stones to exit the urinary tract is with the urine stream, and that process is excruciating.

Blockage in the ureter causes intense pain in the loin, groin, and back. It can also include traces of blood in the urine and cause nausea. Factors that increase the risk of kidney stones are high urine calcium levels, obesity, inadequate intake of fluids, and hyperparathyroidism.

Sanitary Products

There is a range of sanitary products and skincare essentials that people use, such as tampons, menstrual cups, sanitary pads, and vaginal creams. Their usage heightens the risk of yeast infections that can also affect the urinary tract.

It's essential to make sure whatever synthetic products you use in the pubic region are clean and safe for use. Disrupting the natural balance of vaginal microbiomes can affect fertility, cause bacterial vaginosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Inflammation of any kind can be painful, especially in the case of a UTI. Tal’s D Mannose Plus is excellent for UTIs and improving kidney, bladder, and liver functions for both men and women.

The mineral supplements can improve your quality of life and prevent the risk of UTIs! You can also check out our CBD pain-relieving lotion for topical application and anti-inflammatory medicines. Contact us for more queries.