5 Ways to Boost Musculoskeletal Strength

As the name suggests, the musculoskeletal system comprises of two systems; muscular and skeletal systems, meaning both our muscles and bones.

The musculoskeletal system protects our vital organs, stores essential minerals like phosphorus and calcium, and allows us to sit, stand and move around. Needless to say, caring for our musculoskeletal strength should be of utmost importance.

Here are five fantastic ways to boost your musculoskeletal strength:

1.    Toe Spreaders

The feet are a common source of problems that can translate trouble from the ground up. People's toes are often crammed into shoes from early in the day to bedtime, and don't get a break.

The toes directly affect the feet, which in turn affects stance, balance, and posture. Twenty minutes a day of toe spreading can regain the foot's joint flexibility and small muscles to improve the feet and lower extremities' function, comfort, and appearance.

2.    Percussion Massage

It's common for muscles and soft connective tissues like fascia, tendons, and ligaments to become tight and tender due to adhesions of small fibrotic strands of scar tissue.

Light stretching performed while percussing directly into fibrotic scar tissue areas allows the stretch to disrupt some of the adhesion. The percussion massagers create a vertical line of force into the skin, thereby penetrating deeper and more effectively.

3.    Sleeping Positions

Spending hours in the wrong position while lying down leads to the same number of problems as sitting or standing in the wrong position.

For right sleeping positions, apply the same basic rule of maintaining a neutral body position. It's best to alternate between one of three positions; your back, right, and left side.

When sleeping on your back, the pillow support should focus on the centre of your neck. And on your side, the pillow must support the centre of your head, so your head remains leveled.

It also helps to have a pillow under or between the knees, depending on your sleeping position.

4.    Nutrition

Several foods increase inflammation in the body, which is counterproductive to musculoskeletal and systemic health. These foods include white sugar, white flour, processed fatty meats, and alcohol.

On the other hand, foods naturally high in antioxidants and fibre like whole grain, fruits, and vegetables help decrease inflammation.  

5.    Compound Exercises And Stretches

Exercise has many incredible benefits for the body and the mind, but sometimes, it's challenging to get those benefits on a busy day. Compound or multi-joint exercises give you a more complex workout in the least amount of time. One example is swimming; it simultaneously uses most of your body's muscles and joints.

Many callisthenic exercises are also compound exercises. If you do a series of ten callisthenic exercises, such as jumping jacks, pushups, leg crunches, squats, for one minute each, you will have performed a great workout using most of the joints and muscles in your body within ten minutes.

Compound stretches are also essential to the body. Many yoga positions, such as warrior one pose, counter-stretch, and twist-stretch, are compound stretches that improve your body's flexibility.  

Quick reminder: always check with your healthcare provider before changing your exercise routine or dietary program.

Improve Your Musculoskeletal Health with Organic Supplements

If you're searching for ways to improve your health with organic supplements, you will love TAL'S Magnesium Supplements. These feel-alive tree drops are made with zero allergens and all-natural products. We also have other supplements like vitamin D and E and other organic products. Be sure to visit our website and order a bottle today!